What can go down the drain?
Over the years, sewer backups and pump clogs have been the topic of conversation in the wastewater world, as they are never situations that our employees or customers want.
99% of our pump station clogs have been from things flushed down the drain that do not belong, such as baby wipes, cue tips, diapers, paper towels and facial tissues. These products are made of materials that don’t break down and can cause all pipes to clog. Even if they are labeled as "flushable" or "biodegradable" by the manufacturer, they are not. The trash is the place for these items. Pump clogs are not only costly, but can lead to further problems if a backup happens. With all of our alarm calls, we strive to have someone on the scene within the hour 24/7, 365 days per year.
To ensure that backups do not happen, ( and our staff get a good nights sleep!) please only flush the 3 P,s Pee, Poop, and (Toilet) Paper.
What About My Sink?
Sinks are common sources of items that can damage a sewer line. Although garbage disposals are technically legal, they can still do a lot of harm to a sewer service. Chicken bones and fats, oils and greases can become lodged in a pipe, accumulate, and cause a backup in your home. Fats oils and grease should neve go down the drain, as they will harden on the interior of pipes and cause a backup.
Remember, the only thing that should go down your drain is what comes out of the faucet!
Many customers may not realize that basement sump pumps should never drain to a sewer line. In fact, it is specifically stated in our Sewer Use Ordinance.
"No person(s) shall make connection of roof downspouts, sump pumps, basement drains, interior or exterior foundation drains, area-way drains, or other sources of surface run-off or groundwater to a building sewer or building drain that in turn is connected directly or indirectly to a public sanitary sewer".
Sump Pumps
Photo: homedepot.com
Extra water introduced into our system is costly. Pumps need to work longer hours to direct flow, as it results in larger electricity bills and pollution. If a home is found to be have sump pumps, roof drains, perimeter drains, or irrigation draining into their sewer connection, there are Civil Penalties and fines that can be applied to the user.
If these are connected to the sewer system, it is illegal and needs to be disconnected.
Most systems can be easily modified by a plumber to divert clear water outside of the home, preferably draining away from the foundation. It is up to the homeowner or business to modify and pay for any of these repairs.